“After vetting a number of small and large FMOs, our agency decided to go with NCC and haven’t looked back! We have all of our contracts with NCC and there is no reason to look elsewhere. This FMO has provided real value, guidance, and incentives to our team. You’re not just a number to them. They have built lasting relationships with us and we are very pleased to be working with them.”
Jay, an agent in Georgia
Why Work With Just One FMO? Get the facts from NCC’s founder, Jerold Johnson:
I recently talked to an agent in Nevada that proudly told me he works with eight different FMOs. Here is why that is such a bad idea: not one of those eight FMOs knows his name! Let me explain.
A very good agent may be doing 12-15 Medicare apps per month, but they may have it spread out across six different FMOs. If you look at the example below, this agent could easily be making $3,000-$4,000 or more monthly in new business plus renewals.

However, from the perspective of National Contracting Center (NCC) or any other FMO, this agent is ONLY writing two or three apps per month. While the production is appreciated, no FMO can justify spending considerable resources helping this agent. The production with any single FMO is just too low. Nothing personal, just business.
Here is the point: if this agent were to bring all of his contracts to NCC, suddenly we see 13 apps per month! Now we can justify working with him more closely. We can spend the necessary time on his personalized marketing plan. We can include him in our Marketing Assistance Program. We can help him go from a good agent to an elite agent, and NOW we know his name.
Consolidate Your Contracts with NCC
If you are an agent that is spread across multiple FMOs, think about the support you are getting from them and consider bringing your business to NCC. If it does not work out, we will release you with no hard feelings. Give us a chance to prove our value to you and come see why NCC is one of the fastest-growing FMOs in the nation.
“As a new agent with no insurance experience, looking to switch careers midlife, I was overwhelmed by all of the steps and options. Choosing to use NCC as my FMO was the right decision.”
Melissa, an agent in Illinois