Medicare Ancillary Sales: Cross Sell Insurance with Ease Using Our Convenient Charts

Ancillaries Made Simple Chart
Our Ancillaries Made Simple chart is a bit of a cheat sheet to easily see and compare carrier plan types, if they have simple E-App, bonus incentives, phone verifications, and more!

Hospital Indemnity Comparison
Check out our Hospital Indemnity Comparison section to get a detailed analysis of HI products from Aetna, Medico, GTL, and Cigna. We've condensed it all into one easy to read chart.
More Tools Coming Soon to Help You Cross Sell Insurance
This page is a growing resource to help you cross sell insurance and make ancillaries a sensible addition to your product portfolio. We’ll be adding more charts soon. In the meantime, check out 3 Ways to Introduce Ancillaries to help you get the conversation started.
Our team is also happy to talk with you at any time about ancillaries or any other aspect of Medicare sales. Give us a call at 800-695-0280 to talk to a support specialist today!