6 Tips for Insurance Agents Using Social Media

In today’s digital world, we see references to social media everywhere. Almost every business website offers you the chance to follow them online with several corresponding icons for sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and more.  By using some of these tips and tricks, you can develop a professional online presence, while building your business.

1.  Keep it simple

Don’t sign up for every new social media platform unless you have a staff who can handle all the cross-posting. While it is nice to have numerous ways to reach your clients, quality AND quantity are important when it comes to social media.

2.  Post a link where users can request a quote

Post a link where users can request a quote from you and link it to a form asking them for their contact information. This is a great way to get in touch with more potential clients!

3.  Engage your audience!

There are a few ways you can engage your audience, and here is why you want to: every time another person “likes” or comments on your Facebook page, it shows up in his or her newsfeed. That means for every “like” or comment, you could reach hundreds of potential clients. Also, if your posts are interesting, people will follow your page for more updates.

Check back with us for a blog on how you can make your posts engaging!

4.  Invite people to review your business on Facebook

If you have established great business relationships with your clients, chances are, several of them won’t mind writing you an excellent review. Facebook offers you a place to put these reviews so your word-of-mouth referrals can reach more people.

5.  Choose your privacy settings wisely!

On your Facebook page, you have the option to decide if you want to review posts before they are published. Here are a couple things to think about before you decide:

  • The Good: If your settings allow anyone to post, anytime, you will probably see more people engage with your posts. People like instant gratification! Allowing people to post directly to your page also conveys a sense of confidence in how you handle your business.By not being afraid to accept feedback publicly, you send a message that you are confident in the services you provide.
  • The Bad: The downside of not reviewing the posts beforehand is you will need to really watch your page in case someone does post something which makes you look unprofessional.

6.  Keep your business page separate!

It is not a bad idea to promote your business on your personal Facebook page, however, it is a bad idea to only have a personal page if you plan to use Facebook to promote your business. Your clients and potential clients don’t need to see you beside a lake holding the impressive bass you just caught, nor do they care if Aunt Sally is mad at Aunt Sherry because she won’t share her potato salad recipe. However, your audience does need to see why they should do business with you.

This should go without saying but…

We’ve already talked about why you should have separate business and personal pages, however, you should also be mindful of what you post on your personal page. Remember, once something is online, it can be made available for anyone to see. Make sure you are aware of what image you are putting forth, even on your personal site, so you can avoid any unprofessional-looking mishaps.

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