Serving Seniors: 4th Quarter 2021 Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities for Medicare Agents

Get ideas here for volunteering in your community and share your volunteer work on your social media pages. Sharing nonprofit content is another way to help organizations spread the word. National Contracting Center encourages its agents to support the older population in your communities by volunteering. Each quarter we will feature a nonprofit volunteer opportunity in a different city.

Why volunteer?

  • Giving back to seniors puts you directly in touch with the community you serve.
  • Volunteering allows you to spend time with those who qualify for Medicare, and it also puts you more in tune with the needs of the older population.

Featured Volunteer Opportunities

Location: Roswell, GA

Second Wind Dreams® award-winning Dreams Program sheds light on the positive aspects of aging. It is a powerful way to connect society to a forgotten truth about seniors: the truth that age does not erase hopes and dreams. Our program has fulfilled tens of thousands of dreams since our organization’s inception in 1997. As each Dream comes true, we witness a ripple effect as the impact of the dream spreads from the elder to everyone who helped make it a reality.

Volunteer Opportunities with Second Wind Dreams

Follow Second Wind Dreams on social media, “like” and “share” their posts.


Program Engagement

  • Dreams: Visit residents in a local eldercare community, discover and fulfill their dreams
  • Virtual Dementia Tour®: Take the Tour in your local community and spread the word.
  • Gifts of Light: Shop, donate, and/or deliver Holiday gifts to nursing home elders who have little to no visitors during the Holiday season.
  • Cards of Light: Create greeting cards for those living in elder care communities with little to no visitors
  • Corporate Social Responsibility:  Invite your company to partner with Second Wind Dreams through financial contribution and employee volunteer opportunities
  • Lead a Dream Team by working with a group of volunteers and a local SWD elder care community and make dreams come true all year long

Administrative Assistance

  • Provide office support at 10892 Crabapple Rd., Ste. 300, Roswell, Georgia, 30075

Location: Boynton Beach, FL

VITAS Hospice Volunteer Opportunities

VITAS offers opportunities that allow volunteers to choose a role in which they are comfortable and fulfilled.

Administrative Volunteers

Provide support in the office: filing, preparing mailings, computer input, answering the phones, special projects.

Alternative/Complementary Care Volunteers

Art therapy, aromatherapy, Reiki.

Art Enrichment Volunteers

Patients and families explore their creative side and express their feelings through the visual arts.

Bereavement Volunteers

Visits, phone calls, support groups, memorial services and send bereavement mailings.

Direct Patient Care Volunteers

Visit patients and families at home, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, inpatient hospice units. Pay a friendly visit; relieve a family caregiver for an afternoon out; accompany a patient to the beauty salon, grocery store or a social event; read aloud; listen to memories; walk the dog; be the high point of someone’s day.

Life Review Volunteers

Reminisce and/or record a patient’s life stories, perhaps presenting the family with a legacy CD.

Memory Bear Volunteers

Create one-of-a-kind Memory Bears from VITAS patients’ clothes to comfort the family.

Music Enrichment Volunteers

Singing or playing a musical instrument.

Paw Pals® Volunteers

Screened and trained pets and their volunteer owners visit patients and provide socialization, comfort, life review, etc.

Photography Volunteers

Taking professional pictures of the patient and family, generally providing a picture CD to the family.

Telephone Assurance Program Volunteers

Make supportive phone calls to patients and their families or to bereaved family members following a death.

Veteran Volunteers

Address special end-of-life needs by replacing lost medals, linking veterans to VA benefits, performing life review, visiting on Veteran’s Day, educating veterans organizations, etc.

Learn More at VITAS Healthcare

Location: Fort Myers, FL

The mission of Community Cooperative is to eliminate hunger and homelessness in Lee County while simultaneously inspiring and supporting sustained positive change in its clients by delivering innovative food, education, and social service programs. Volunteer to deliver food to seniors with their Meals on Wheels program.

Learn more at

See more volunteer opportunities

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