AEP Progress Report #2

Medicare AEP Progress Report #2

We’ve Crossed the Halfway Point of AEP. Are You Halfway to Your Sales Goals?

We’re just past the halfway point through AEP, and we’re hearing from agents that the first half has been slower than expected this year. It seems like clients and even agents have felt bogged down mentally this AEP. How’s it going for you? Are you feeling it too?

If so, think about this: yes, COVID-19 has changed the way we do business. Yes, the election made many clients hesitant to make a change early in AEP. But with so many plan improvements in 2021, and so many people needing help with Medicare coverage, you owe it to yourself and your clients to get motivated.

If you sit around and wait for things to get back to normal, you’ll get left in the dust. Be willing to change and adapt to clients’ preferences. Embrace new ways of selling remotely. Go out these last 25 days of AEP and write more apps than you ever have.

The plans are there. The clients are there. Are you going to step up and take advantage of the opportunity?

Making the Rest of Your AEP Count

The best advice we’ve heard for this unusual AEP comes from agents who are pacing above their goal. They’re saying you have to stay in the game, but more than that, you may have to step up your game.

Selling Medicare is different this AEP, and if you want to meet your goals, you have to adapt. Sure, clients may not be as open to the face-to-face meetings you’re used to, but they’re responding well to remote options. If you want to keep selling, you have to meet prospects where they are. For this current AEP, where they are is on the other side of the phone and computer.

Get the tools you need to sell remotely, like NCC’s Enrollment Central, and take remote sales seriously. Just because you’re competing with telemarketers doesn’t mean you should sell like one.  Keep being a Medicare agent. Talk to your clients as friends. Get to know them, treat them with respect, and show them that you have their best interest in mind.

If beneficiaries are hesitant for election-related reasons, reassure them that 2021 plans are set in stone, and there’s no reason to put off making healthcare decisions. Tell them that if there are ever major Medicare changes, you’ll be there to guide them. Then follow through on that promise by staying on top of what’s happening in the industry – including sales and enrollment methods and technology.

Finally, get in the mindset for a successful second half of AEP by setting small goals for yourself. Decide you want to speak to X people every day and make X presentation s each week. With just under four weeks left, set your goals now.

If you don’t know where to start, call us at 800-695-0280 or send us a message. We’re here for you.

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