Why You Should Door Knock Medicare Supplements

Learn why door knocking Medicare Supplements could be incredibly important to your business

We’ve heard different opinions from our agents whether it’s ok to door knock Medicare Supplements and if it’s the best method. It’s true that Medicare is incredibly complicated and at times confusing system for many seniors to navigate. Your job as an agent is to reach out to seniors and educate them on their options. However, many agents have opposing views as to whether door knocking Medicare Supplements is an appropriate method. This blog is an agent rebuttal to our previous agent blog “Why You Shouldn’t Door Knock Medicare Supplements.”

Under CMS guidelines you are allowed to door knock Medicare Supplement plans and this is why you should door knock Medicare Supplements:

Relationship Building

Many seniors want and like a personal touch, and ability to interact with a human.  Having an insurance agent be available only by telephone at the agent’s convenience isn’t enough. However, being able to see and talk with a reputable agent, ask questions and get immediate answers is a real advantage. As well as having the agent walk through any Medicare Supplement company or plan information clarified any misconceptions or possible concerns.  Most agents do not spend ENOUGH time explaining all of a senior’s Medicare options. Door knocking Medicare Supplements is a great relationship-building tool. 

See < Why You Shouldn’t Door Knock Medicare Supplement Plans >

Information Is Crucial

Because Medicare is so complicated, many seniors put off having that talk and making a decision. Many wait until the last minute to find a reputable insurance agent or Medicare plan that seems accommodating. Many seniors ask family members to make a decision for them and that can result in a plan that doesn’t best serve the policyholder. As long as you are a reputable agent, door knocking Medicare Supplements invites a healthy discussion about what plans best suit their medical, lifestyle or financial circumstances.  

They Will Know You

While they may not know you when you first approach them when you door knock, introducing yourself as being in the area doing business with their neighbors, peers, and their friends it lends credibility that you can help them. Knowing an agent is in the area and available to them puts many at ease knowing they have a support system for any concerns.

Door knocking Medicare Supplements can be a fantastic way to reach out to the senior community and begin a dialogue with them. Even if they aren’t ready just yet to make a decision you can help educate them on their options or how Medicare works.  As an agent, your success is often on building relationships along with cultivating trust and door knocking the most efficient way to accomplish those goals.

Is door knocking not your forte? Contact us to speak with one of our Marketing Specialists on best practices when you door knock Medicare Supplements and competitive products in your area. The idea may seem intimidating, but this method has helped thousands of our agents connect with clients in need of education and help.

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